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төрийн үйлчилгээ
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“Бүс нутгийн авто зам хөгжүүлэх, засвар арчлалтын төсөл”-ийн сул орон тоог нөхөх зарлал




The Government of Mongolia (GOM) with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is implementing “Regional road development and maintenance project” (RRDM Project). The project Executing Agency (EA) is the Ministry of Road and Transport Development (MRTD). Under the project, the EA is seeking to recruit a qualified Procurement specialist and monitoring and evaluation specialist for the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) who will be engaged on a full-time basis.


Objective of the assignment


The procurement and monitoring, evaluation specialist is responsible for planning; coordinating all procurement activities; and providing high level assistance, technical guidance to ensure compliance with ADB’s procurement (good, works, and consulting services) policies and procedures for civil works, construction supervision, and for the effective monitoring and evaluation of the project progress against its baseline and target indicators. The specialist will receive and capacity building and training throughout the project both from the ADB and the PMCBC.

For procurement activities: planning, coordinating and providing all procurement activities including establishment of bid  evaluation committees; (ii) working with and assisting the State Propane committee, procurement agency as necessary to ensure all procurement matters are handle as pro government regulation, in a timely manner and all ADB requirements are also met; (iii) updating the draft procurement plan and implementation schedule on a quarterly basis through the project implementation; (iv) ensuring the EA, PMCBC, and ADB receive regular updates / reports implementation and procurement status; (v) reviewing and finalizing bid documents for design and supervision consultant Ulaanbaatar-Darkhan and Darkhan-Altanbulag civil works contracts; (vi) ensuring all necessary approvals are in place in timely manner; (vii) advertising and following through of all invitation for bids, bidders’ inquiries bid evaluation, preparation of bid evaluation minutes and reports, (viii) implementing and monitoring of the performance -based maintenance contract pilot proposed for Ulaanbaatar – Darkhan; (ix) preparing contract negotiations with select bidders and submissions for ADB’s review; (x) assisting PMCBC staff in preparation of selection, the documents, and approvals for the Darkhan-Altanbulag contract, and the remaining contracts yet be determine for output 2; (xi) for the later contracts: advertising and following through of all invitation for bids, bidders’ inquires, bid evaluation, preparation of bid evaluation minutes and reports, and (xii) other procurements activities as the arise throughout project implementation.

For monitoring and evaluation activities: will support EA/PIU in monitoring and evaluating the project: The specialist will monitor and evaluate the project implementation, management and financing in accordance with Loan Agreement and the Regulation on Utilization of proceeds of foreign Loans of the government, issued by the Ministry of finance (MOF) in 2015. The specialist is expected to guide and support MRTD/PIU in appropriate monitoring and evaluation of the project activities. Specifically, the monitoring and evaluation specialist will:

  • Maintain the comprehensive Project Performance Management System (PPMS) based on the project Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF), Gender Action Plan, the Simplified Environmental Management Plan in project monitoring and evaluation that specifies the project quarterly and annual performance targets, data sources, reporting mechanisms, and M&E plans and activities.
  • Monitor project implementation against the implementation plan and schedule, the performance targets specified in the projects DMF and assess the project compliance with the Loan Agreement covenants.
  • Assess the quality and impact of the project activities, outputs and outcome.
  • Monitor usage of the loan funds
  • Prepare and submit on timely basis weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual project progress reports.
  • Support MRTD/PIU to comply with the Loan Agreement and MOF’s Regulation on Utilization of Proceeds of Foreign Loans/Grants of the Government in implementation of this project
  • Identify bottlenecks and problems that negatively affect smooth implementation of the project and propose remedial measures to the project
  • Update the Official Development Assistance Management information System (ODAMIS) of MOF on quarterly and annual basis in consultation with MRTD’s department of Monitoring, Evaluation and internal audit.
  • Prepare the project completion report which include assessment of the project objective, design, implementation, operational experience, and the project outcome against the agreed objectives
  • Prepare the cost-benefit analysis as part of the project completion report
  • Prepare the assessment tools on application of newly taught skills and knowledge from various training under the project
  • Provide support to PIU staff on contract management, grants administration, and risk identification.
  • Conduct a final survey at project completion
  • Conduct trainings on outcome and impact assessment for the relevant stakeholders
  • Perform other tasks relevant to the assignment

Qualifications and experience:

The procurement specialist should hold BS/MS in law or in public administration public policy or education management and other related subjects and at least 7 years of experience in procuring goods, works, and services in projects funded by international financial institutions preferably ADB, A3 national certificate of public procurement, should have received formal training in monitoring and evaluation; At least 3 years work experience in M&E, project management and project designing A solid understanding of project monitoring and evaluation principles, tools and procedures adhered by the Government and ADB; Strong communication and interpersonal skills written and oral English proficiency

If you possess the above qualifications, please submit a cover letter indicating why she/he considers her/himself suitable for the position, detailed public servant CV highlighting skills/experience, copy of diplomas or certificates and two reference letters from last two employers no later than 16:00, 02 Nov 2022. Only those successful candidates will be contacted. The application documents under the name of RRDMP/Translator shall be submitted in person to the below address. The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Incomplete applications would not be considered. If you need any further details, please feel free to contact us.


Contact address:  Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Government Building №13, room 307, Chinggis Avenue 11, Ulaanbaatar 14251, Mongolia Contact person: E.Badamsuren

Tel: +(976) 51267179



“Бүс нутгийн авто зам хөгжүүлэх, засвар арчлалтын төсөл”-ийн сул орон тоог нөхөх зарлал  
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