Зөвлөл, хороод
Замын хөдөлгөөний аюулгүй байдлын Үндэсний зөвлөл Үндэсний тээврийн хороо
төрийн үйлчилгээ
авто зам авто тээвэр Төмөр зам, далайн тээвэр Иргэний нисэх Тусгай зөвшөөрөл Нээлттэй мэдээлэл Нээлттэй өгөгдөл салбарын шагнал Өргөдөл, гомдол Онлайн сургалт






The Government of Mongolia (GOM) with support from The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is implementing the " UB-Darkhan road project " (Project). The project’s Executing Agency (EA) is Ministry of Road and Transport Development (MRTD). Under the project, EA is seeking to recruit a qualified Road Engineer for the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) who will be engaged on a full-time basis.


Objective of the assignment:

Road Engineer will be responsible for ensuring and reporting on the engineering aspects of the project’s implementation and compliance with loan agreement between Mongolia and EBRD dated 10 January 2020, relevant Mongolian national standards, laws and guidelines, as well as international engineering best practice, in particular with respect to road safety during construction, operation and maintenance.



Education: Holds at least a bachelor’s degree in Highway engineering.

Experience: At least 5 years of professional experience in similar projects.

Experience in any of the following areas is considered an advantage:

  • Work on investment road projects financed by IFI.
  • Construction phase projects of major roads, highways and bridges.
  • Leading road and bridge engineering design or design review.
  • Experience with FIDIC contract.

Additional training in construction site safety, road operational safety, and best practice international road and bridge design and implementation is considered an advantage.

Competencies: Knowledge of relevant Mongolian laws, standards and guidelines is essential. Excellent knowledge of relevant international standards is expected. Ability to work both independently and within a team; high standard of professional and work ethics.

Computer skills: Confident user, knowledge of AutoCAD, Windows, Microsoft Outlook and Office (Word, Excel, Project, PowerPoint), Acrobat, Internet and E-mail.

Language proficiency: Have knowledge of spoken and written in Mongolian and English languages.


Submission requirements:

If you possess the above qualifications, please submit application documents including a cover letter indicating why she/he considers her/himself suitable for the position, detailed CV highlighting skills/experience, copy of diplomas or certificates and a reference letter from previous employer (not mandatory) no later than 16:00, 18 October 2023. 


Selection process:  

The application documents under the name of Road Engineer shall be submitted in person or by email to the below address. The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Incomplete applications would not be considered. Only short-listed candidates after review of application documents will be contacted for further selection (e.g. interview). If selected for interview English language skill will be examined during the interview.


If you need any further details, please feel free to contact us.

Contact address:  Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Government Building №13, room 307, Chinggis Avenue 11, Ulaanbaatar 14251, Mongolia

Contact person: B.Tsend  Email: info@rdpcr.mn   Tel: +(976) 51263179

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