Зөвлөл, хороод
Замын хөдөлгөөний аюулгүй байдлын Үндэсний зөвлөл Үндэсний тээврийн хороо
төрийн үйлчилгээ
авто зам авто тээвэр Төмөр зам, далайн тээвэр Иргэний нисэх Тусгай зөвшөөрөл Нээлттэй мэдээлэл Нээлттэй өгөгдөл салбарын шагнал Өргөдөл, гомдол Онлайн сургалт







The Government of Mongolia has received a Loan from International Bank for Reconstruction and Development for Mongolia Transport Connectivity and Logistics Improvement Project (MTCLIP). The Project aims to improve transport connectivity and logistics efficiency for the meat value chain in Mongolia. The project components are: (i) infrastructure investments; (ii) transport and logistics services; (iii) Technical assistance and capacity building; and (iv) contingent emergency response.


This project is seeking a professional for the position of Road Maintenance Engineer. The selected candidate will report directly to the Project Coordinator.


The objective of the assignment: The Road Maintenance Engineer will be responsible for the overall construction management of road maintenance during project implementation. They would be responsible for the quality of technical, operational, and organizational activities of the project construction that are needed for efficient project implementation. This includes estimating, scheduling, quality control, progress reports, progress billing, design review and coordination, cost reporting, safety, and proposal preparation.


Contract: Full-time for one year with possible extension based on performance starting from January 2024.


Duties and responsibilities: The Road Maintenance Engineer will have the following duties (but are not limited to):


  1. Prepare draft TORs for procurement of consulting, design, supervision, and construction firms related to road maintenance, road asset management, and road construction activities of the project, following domestic and World Bank requirements and standards in consultation with the related specialists and authorities;
  2. Review designs/drawings, specifications, and estimations of quantities of engineering design of road maintenance, rehabilitation, and construction, to ensure compliance with domestic and international best practice requirements and standards, compliance to the TORs and contracts, and World Bank requirements and standards;
  3. Review base surveys and studies, pre-feasibility, feasibility studies, and technical specifications and designs prepared by consulting firms and undertake quality assurance to ensure compliance with domestic and international best practice requirements and standards, compliance to the TORs and contracts, and World Bank requirements and standards;
  4. Coordinate inputs and outputs of engineering and design firms with stakeholders such as public transit and utility providers during project design phases;
  5. Prepare activity implementation plans and ensure adherence of consulting firms and contractors to the implementation plan by identifying resource requirements, timelines, milestones, budgets, bottlenecks, and aligning project-related safeguards tasks with the PMO;
  6. Assist with the procurement activities for the supply of goods and services, including preparation of bidding documents, bid evaluation, and contract documents;
  7. Support contract management of road studies, designs, civil works, and related subject contracts under the project, liaise with contractors, supervise, and monitor the civil engineering works of the project to ensure the timely implementation;
  8. Conduct site visits before and during the project implementation period to ensure proper on-site preparation and implementation;
  9. Contribute to the preparation of project reports, including progress reports, M&E report, project closing report, of MTCLIP;
  10. Provide technical support to MRTD, PMO, and contractors on issues related to civil works with close coordination with the Project Coordinator and other consultants;
  11. Coordinate safety measures among the activities in the project components and construction works, as per domestic requirements and the World Bank Environmental and Social Standards;
  12. Jointly work with the environmental specialist and the social specialist and ensure and oversee that environmental and social mitigation measures as per Environmental & Social documents are incorporated into all detailed designs, bidding documents and contracts;
  13. In close coordination with the Environmental specialist and social specialist, assist the PMO in overseeing compliance with E&S requirements;
  14. Undertake such other tasks as may be reasonably requested and/ or assigned by the Project Coordinator and MRTD.


Essential requirements:

  • Bachelor or higher degree in Civil Engineering, with adequate experience in fields of road maintenance;
  • At least 4 years of professional experience in relevant fields such as road maintenance, construction, roadway design, operation, and maintenance of roads and highways;
  • Proven track record in engineering design, review and supervising construction of medium to large-scale road construction, rehabilitation and maintenance projects;
  • At least with 1 reference letter to prove these required experience and successful completion of similar scope and nature assignments from previous employer;
  • Ability to conduct field work and travel locally;
  • Good interpersonal, communication and participatory skills with the ability to function effectively and collaboratively in a team environment and conflict resolution skills;
  • Excellent computer literacy, particularly with engineering and design programs (AutoCAD), geographic information systems (GIS) tools and software, and project planning/ scheduling software such as MS Project;
  • Fluency in English and Mongolian languages (both oral and written).


If you possess the above qualifications, please submit a cover letter indicating why she/he considers her/himself suitable for the position, detailed public servant CV highlighting skills/experience, copy of diplomas or certificates, one reference letter from last two employers no later than 16:00, 3 January 2024. Only those successful candidates will be contacted. The application documents under the name of Maintenance engineer shall be submitted in person to the below address. The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Incomplete applications would not be considered. If you need any further details, please feel free to contact us.


Contact address:  Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Government Building-13, room 308, Chinggis Avenue 11, Ulaanbaatar 14251, Mongolia Contact person: Tsend.B

Tel: +(976) 51263179


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