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The Government of Mongolia (GOM) with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is implementing “Regional Road Development and Maintenance Project” (RRDM Project). The project Executing Agency (EA) is the Ministry of Road and Transport Development (MRTD). Under the project, the EA is seeking to recruit a qualified National Gender Consultant for the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) who will be engaged on intermittent basis.

Project Background

The Regional Road Development and Maintenance (RRDM) project financed by the ADB is being implemented since 2019. The project aims to promote inclusive economic growth and regional economic cooperation and trade, the country needs to develop and make safer its regional road network and its trade and logistics infrastructure to boost agriculture, agribusiness, and tourism in Mongolia.

Investing in road improvement is particularly important at times of economic difficulty as it delivers four benefits:

  • Projects create much-needed jobs to support economic recovery;
  • Better roads reduce road user travel costs and facilitate access to markets, schools, and health facilities, making residents more productive;
  • Modest spending on road maintenance prevents costlier rehabilitation; and
  • Road safety improvements reduce the social cost of traffic accidents.

Lack of road maintenance amid rapidly increasing passenger car ownership has an immediate impact on road safety and the social cost of traffic fatalities and injuries in Mongolia. ADB also assists the government in developing a national road safety policy and action plan covering three road safety elements: (i) culture and behavior, (ii) engineering, both in design and maintenance, including winter activities such as snow control and de-icing; and (iii) education, including traffic safety awareness, driving skills, and traffic rules. The project will help Mongolia implement the action plan by adopting international best practices.

The project is aligned with the following impact: inclusive economic growth promoted by enhanced local, regional, and international connectivity in Mongolia. The project outcome will be efficiency and safety of road transport within the project area and between countries improved.

Objective of the assignment

The objectives of this consulting service are to support the MRTD and PIU in implementing the project Gender Action Plan (GAP) and Social Development Action Plan (SDAP), meeting the required indicators defined in the project Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF), and providing insights for the project team's regular monitoring reports. The consultant's primary responsibility is to ensure that the GAP, SDAP, and DMF indicators are fully implemented, monitored, and reported, as well as to assist in addressing project objectives related to gender requirements; and in promoting ADB and the Government's gender-related policies, strategies, plans, and programs.

Scope of Work

The work of the Gender Consultant shall cover:

  • Prepare a detailed work plan to achieve the project key social and gender outcomes and output targets inclusive of a training plan;
  • Support the EA/IA and PIU (associating with environmental and social development specialist) in meeting full social safeguards and social development related compliance, and implementation of the GAP and SDAP;
  • Conduct site visits to monitor GAP/SDAP implementation, record non-compliance, suggest necessary corrective or preventative action(s) to the PIU, and Contractors, deliver GAP reports to EA/IA and through them to ADB;
  • Report any actual or potential risks or impacts promptly after becoming aware of red flag;
  • Conduct capacity building trainings/workshops as outlined in the project DMF, GAP and SDAP for relevant stakeholders;
  • Conduct a public survey with communities and assess effectiveness of GRM in association with PIU Social and Environmental specialist;
  • Regularly provide advice and support to the EA/IA and PIU to ensure effective implementation of project GAPs. This includes, but not limited to, providing assistance in identifying constraints and challenges; in devising and supporting implementation of measures to address these; and when required, regular coaching and mentoring of project staff in implementation, monitoring and reporting;
  • Collect data/statistics including sex and ethnicity disaggregate for social and gender purposes and provide required data to the PIU, EA/IA, and ADB and undertake analysis and use gender qualitative and quantitative methods;
  • Conduct compliance monitoring of social and gender issues, review relevant documents, assist to formulate corrective and preventative actions where necessary;
  • Participate in ADB review missions;
  • Carry out the GAP implementation and monitoring reports and the Project Completion Report’s GAP and other relevant documents.
  • Maintain records on GAP implementation and reporting for the EA/IA and PIU, regularly sharing information, and provide a comprehensive progress reports GAP implementation through EA/IA to ADB before and on 15 January and 15 July each year.
  • Coordinate and follow-up with the EA, and PIU on submission of the semi-annual GAP and SDAP monitoring reports in English to ADB and use the information gathered to update the database; and
  • Update the GAP and its implementation and requirements outlined in the project DMF.
  • Ensure thorough public consultation on construction activities with at least 40% woman participants.
  • Providing support for the Road condition improved training for 400 people, of which at least 50% woman to participate in the training.
  • Providing support for the Road safety improved training for 1200 residents, of which at least 50% woman and training for 200 school teachers, of which at least 70% woman to participate in the training.
  • Prevent negative impacts such as HIV/AIDS, STIs, sexual harassment, and TIPs for 350 people, at least 50% women, trained on, and made fully aware of project activities.
  • Support local development initiatives for 500 people, of which at least 50% women, trained by local NGO on small business and income generation methods applicable to the road corridor market.

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree, preferably Master’s degree in social science discipline or equivalent;
  • At least 3 years’ experience working in gender mainstreaming, livelihoods development and other social development areas and at least 3 years work experience as a gender specialist, particularly in ADB funded projects; at least three project experience financed by international financial institutions;
  • The consultant will need to have experience in coordination, capacity building, advocacy, administration and logistics.
  • Experience in mainstreaming gender in infrastructure development would be beneficial, but not essential.
  • Excellent communication skills and fluency in written and spoken English and Mongolian;
  • MS Office proficiency such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc., and excellent web research and navigation skills;
  • High professional and personal integrity;
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with the relevant stakeholders and implementing agencies;
  • Ability to function independently and collaboratively in a team environment;
  • Organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple assignments.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to liaise and work effectively with international and national colleagues, Government officials and non-government organizations.

Counterpart Support

The PIU shall provide the consultant with an office space furnished with table, chair, closet, internet connection and shared printer when required. The project related documents can be obtained from the PIU.


Schedule and Places of Assignment (chronological and inclusive of travel)

  1. Consultant type: Individual
  2. Schedule Type: Intermittent
  • City and Country: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  1. Total inputs: 110 days (5 months)

Application Submission Procedure

Interested applicants should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through ADB’s CMS at following link: https://selfservice.adb.org/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=XXCRS_CSRN_PROFILE_PAGE&selNo=194835

Application deadline: 22 January 2024

The following documents should be prepared in English and Mongolian languages attached to the EOI:

Interested applicants should submit an expression of interest consisting of the following documents, prepared in English and Mongolian languages:

  • Cover letter (maximum two pages) explaining the reasons for applying for the position, describing how the candidate’s qualifications, skills, and work experiences meet the selection criteria.
  • Curriculum vitae prepared in CV for civil servant.
  • A reference letter from the previous employer;
  • Copies of all diplomas and certificates;
  • Other supporting documents (such as information on previously conducted similar works, experiences proof of skills and qualifications, etc.).

The shortlisted candidates must bring their original diplomas and certificates to the interviews.


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