Зөвлөл, хороод
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төрийн үйлчилгээ
авто зам авто тээвэр Төмөр зам, далайн тээвэр Иргэний нисэх Тусгай зөвшөөрөл Нээлттэй мэдээлэл Нээлттэй өгөгдөл салбарын шагнал Өргөдөл, гомдол Онлайн сургалт








The Government of Mongolia has received a Loan from International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and International Development Association for Mongolia Transport Connectivity and Logistics Improvement Project (MTCLIP). The Project aims to remove critical bottlenecks in the selected road networks and improve maintenance, deliver infrastructure and logistic services effectively to unlock the potential of meat supply chain across the major freight routes, and address information asymmetry and administrative barriers by delivering timely information to the right parties. The project components are: (i) infrastructure investments; (ii) transport and logistics services; (iii) technical assistance and capacity building; and (iv) contingent emergency response.


The project is seeking a professional for the position of Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. The selected candidate will report directly to the Project Coordinator.


Objectives of the assignment: The main objective of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist is to implement and update the comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan for the Project and safeguard the World Bank policies and standards in the monitoring and evaluation process to ensure the successful implementation of the project activities within the framework of relevant laws and regulations. The Project Monitoring and Evaluation provides information useful for ensuring all activities are conducted properly and on time and therefore delivering the expected outputs, assessing performance against expected results and determining whether the operation is on track to achieve its Project Development Objectives (PDO).


Contract: Full-time for one year with the possibility of contract extension subject to satisfactory performance, January 2024.


Duties and responsibilities: The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will have the following duties (but are not limited to):


  1. Serve as the point of contact on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the overall project for the World Bank and other stakeholders and will be responsible for ensuring quality reporting in a timely manner on project implementation progress and answerable to any default in the overall M&E implementation
  2. Review and update the M&E section of the Project Operation Manual (POM) throughout the project period, including but not limited to institutional arrangements for M&E, data collection processes and procedures, progress reporting, performance reviews, dissemination, citizen engagement/feedback, and Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM);
  3. Oversee baseline, mid-line, and completion survey to ensure quality and timely delivery of outputs; Formulate baseline values, and validate target achievements against the end-of-project target values of PDO and intermediate indicators as included in the M&E Framework, which will be the basis for monitoring the project’s progress towards delivering outputs to enable the desired outcome as described in the Project Loan Agreement, Project Appraisal Document (PAD), and other relevant project documentation, in addition to adjusting project scope/implementation if found necessary
  4. Participate in the quality control process of the project implementation through the provisions of support to the project’s technical experts/specialists;
  5. Implement the project’s Results-based M&E Framework, including the project’s GRM, through the organizing of data collection, data processing, and reporting in accordance with the description and methodologies detailed in the M&E Framework and World Bank policies and standards;
  6. Collect all necessary data pertaining to the project implementation, including progress reports from consultants, contractors, and statisticians issued by government agencies. Process the data and report on the project M&E;
  7. Regularly analyze progress reports from the relevant stakeholders to determine outputs, impacts, best practices, innovations, most significant stories, and issues affecting project implementation;
  8. Prepare consolidated quarterly, semiannual, and annual progress reports and project completion report with an emphasis on performance and outcomes both in English and Mongolian, including an up-to-date value on all project M&E indicators;
  9. Ensure the M&E Framework incorporates a system-wide approach, is flexible and responsive, and builds ownership amongst stakeholders;
  10. Prepare and present accurate progress reports in a timely manner, information, and data to the clients and to the World Bank;
  11. Assist Project Management Office (PMO) in preparing for evaluation teams to conduct the mandatory mid-term review and the implementation completion evaluations and reviews. Follow up on the evaluation result, prepare lessons learned and strategies for improvement in M&E, and present to the PMO, Ministry of Road and Transport Development (MRTD);
  12. Monitor project contracts, ensure timely implementation and validity of contracts, and/or recommend the need for adjustments for delivery dates by contractors in a timely manner, if necessary, across project components, including organizing presentations and providing recommendations to the Project Coordinator and the PMO;
  13. Maintain and archive project files, including the progress reports of each component of MTCLIP, contracts, and other relevant files and documents in both electronic and hard copies.
  14. Lead the development of client M&E capacity through the organization of training, workshops, close collaboration on a daily basis throughout the project implementation, and through developing feedback form and assessment of training outcomes;
  15. Contribute towards adjusting the project’s Theory of Change and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, if needed; contribute to “evidence-based learning” and undertaking corrective measures to steer the project’s operation toward achieving its PDO during project implementation, particularly at the Mid-Term Review of the Project, Restructuring of the Project or Additional Financing, in accordance with the World Bank policies and standards, , and in close collaboration with the World Bank team, esp. its M&E specialist.;
  16. Undertake such other tasks as may be reasonably requested and/ or assigned by the Project Coordinator, MTCLIP, and provide support to any other (MTCLIP/WB/Project Implementing Entity) external M&E on the project’s activities.


Essential requirements:

  • Master’s or higher degree in relevant discipline such as law, statistics, economics, and engineering.
  • At least 5 years of professional experience in project monitoring and evaluation, planning, and management including data collection and analysis. Experience working in projects financed by international financial institutions such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank would be an advantage.Experience designing, implemeting and overseeing monitoring and evaluation systems and management of field-based monitoring and evaluation processes.
  • Proven ability to plan and prioritize work duties under time pressure and tight deadline.
  • Quality report writing skills with short turnaround time.
  • Good interpersonal, communication, and participatory skills with the ability to function effectively and collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Excellent computer literacy, particularly with MS Office and spreadsheets.
  • Fluency in English and Mongolian languages (both oral and written).
  • At least 2 reference letters to prove above required skills and on successful completion of similar scope and nature assignments from previous

If you possess the above qualifications, please submit a cover letter indicating why she/he considers her/himself suitable for the position, detailed public servant CV highlighting skills/experience, copy of diplomas or certificates, one reference letter from last two employers no later than 16:00, 23 Feb 2024. Only those successful candidates will be contacted. The application documents under the name of Procurement specialist shall be submitted in person to the below address. The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Incomplete applications would not be considered. If you need any further details, please feel free to contact us.


Contact address:  Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Government Building-13, room 210, Chinggis Avenue 11, Ulaanbaatar 14251, Mongolia Contact person: L.Bayanzul

Tel: +(976) 51263179



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