Зөвлөл, хороод
Замын хөдөлгөөний аюулгүй байдлын Үндэсний зөвлөл Үндэсний тээврийн хороо
төрийн үйлчилгээ
авто зам авто тээвэр Төмөр зам, далайн тээвэр Иргэний нисэх Тусгай зөвшөөрөл Нээлттэй мэдээлэл Нээлттэй өгөгдөл салбарын шагнал Өргөдөл, гомдол Онлайн сургалт






The Government of Mongolia (GOM) with support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is implementing “Regional road development and maintenance project (Phase III)”. The project Executing Agency (EA) is the Ministry of Road and Transport Development (MRTD). Under the project, the EA is seeking to recruit a qualified Environment Safeguard and Monitoring specialist for the Project Implementing Unit (PIU) who will be engaged on a full-time basis.




The Environmental Safeguard and Environmental Monitoring Specialist will be in charge of all environmental aspects of the project , and ensuring the project the project will be implemented following the requirements of the EMPs and environmental monitoring plans in the IEEs, in compliance with Mongolian environmental laws and regulations, and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009). The tasks of the environmental specialist include:

  • Closely communicate with PIU, project consultants and contractors to ensure full environmental compliance of the project throughout the project implementation;
  • Assist the PIU and SPA in preparing EMP provisions for the bidding document and contract;
  • Assist in engagement of an independent environment monitoring organization licensed by the Ministry of Environment;
  • Provide guidance to the selected environmental monitoring organization in conducting environmental impact monitoring according to the environmental monitoring plan in the EMP; and coordinate with this organization on all monitoring activities; review external environment monitoring reports (both construction and operation periods) prepared by the organization;
  • Closely communicate with environmental engineer at the construction supervision company and environmental monitoring stations/firm to ensure EMP and EMoP to be duly implemented;
  • Conduct regular site visits and assess the EMP implementation. Any non-compliance is found, report concerns and propose a corrective action(s) to contractors, a construction supervision company, and the PIU; record non-compliance and implementation of corrective actions in EMRs;
  • During the regular site visits, conduct public survey to affected communities and inform GRM and ensure any additional concern to be heard and be appropriately dealt with;
  • Support planning and delivery of occupational health and safety training for construction workers and drivers;
  • Prepare semiannual environmental monitoring reports with quality and submit to the EA and ADB, incorporating all the comments from the EA, and ADB;
  • If any change in the project scope, and engineering design change occurred during the project implementation, assess the need for IEE, EMP, EMoP revision; consult with the EA, and ADB for revision and/or addition; and prepare and submit revised documents accordingly;


  1. Upon identification of another road rehabilitation component (e.g., with access roads)
  • Closely communicate with the EA and PMC, and other consultant and conduct initial site visit so to flag any environmental sensitive areas and issues upfront;
  • Support the engagement of domestic environmental specialists;
  • Closely communicate with a domestic EIA consultant to ensure proper baseline data and climate data collection to be met for an EIA or IEE preparation;
  • Support the domestic EIA specialist and/or the EA, so that a meaningful public consultation to be held and recorded to meet the ADB’s SPS requirement;
  • Support domestic EIA consultants in their preparation of domestic EIA to be submitted and approved in a timely manner.


Qualifications. The expert should have at least a postgraduate degree in environmental science, environmental engineering, or relevant fields, a minimum of 8 years of work experience on environmental impact assessment, environmental management planning and monitoring. Recent experience is required with international financing institutions, and familiarity with the Mongolian environmental policies and regulations and ADB’s safeguard policy requirements. Having experience of environmental impact assessment on road infrastructure projects will be an advantage. The specialist must have fluent in English both in writing, speaking, and understanding.

If you possess the above qualifications, please submit a cover letter indicating why she/he considers her/himself suitable for the position, detailed public servant CV highlighting skills/experience in English and Mongolian, copy of diplomas or certificates, one reference letter from last two employers no later than 16:00, 29 May 2024. Only those successful candidates will be contacted. The application documents under the name of Environment Safeguard and Monitoring specialist shall be submitted in person to the below address. The submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants. Incomplete applications would not be considered. If you need any further details, please feel free to contact us.


Contact address:  Ministry of Road and Transport Development, Government Building-13, room 307, Chinggis Avenue 11, Ulaanbaatar 14251, Mongolia Contact person: Tsend.B

Tel: +(976) 51263179



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